
Planning For A Baby

Ayurveda-the study of life, is perceived for its secret fortune for settling the sexual and barrenness issues of individuals.

Garbhadhan Vidhi ​

Garbhadhan Vidhi

At the point when the male and female seeds join together and the spirit enters the association, it turns into an undeveloped organism (garbha). Ayurveda gives significance to the nature of the seed and subsequently, to the advancement during puberty, of both the male and the female. Pregnancy happens when a developed capacitated spermatozoa prepares a full grown freed ovum inside solid uterus during Rutukala (ovulatory period). ‘Satva’ alongside ‘Atma’ enters in this treated ovum, then, at that point, it is called as ‘Garbha’. This incredible science looks at origination to the germination and growing of a seed and its change into a sapling.

Not with standing the female seed, the mother likewise gives the ‘dirt, sustenance and the right season’ for the seed to develop. Consequently, Ayurveda encourages extraordinary thoughtfulness regarding be paid to the nourishment and security of the lady to keep her (the dirt) rich and clean. So likewise, those of antenatal consideration: the spouse and other relatives are educated to take care regarding the pregnant lady’s eating routine and energize exercises that are of high repute to her and helpful to the hatchling or kid filling in her body. Hence, the methodology towards parenthood, that is pregnancy and labor, is an all encompassing one.

Assisting you with having a child as well as having a solid one with part of Ayurvedic goodness
According to ayurveda, planning for origination can be effortlessly contrasted with the most common way of cultivating. Very much like the strength of a harvest relies upon the nature of soil, seed, timing of planting, and measure of watering it gets, the soundness of a future child relies upon the wellbeing of its folks. For a pregnancy to be solid and, several requirements to deal with the accompanying four fundamental elements:
  1. Sperm/Ovum- (Seeds)
  2. Reproductive organs of male and female (Soil/fertile land)
  3. Nourishment (Water, sunlight etc.)
  4. Time for Conception-Ovulation (Timing of Sowing)

Our 8 Steps to help you conceive naturally

Our 8 Steps to help you conceive naturally​

Step 1: Know and understand the imbalanced between doshas in your body including your age and relationship status-


  1. Severe imbalance between doshas
  2. A woman’s age is 35 years old or more, or
  3. There are known medical conditions that may impact on fertility

Research clearly shows that the probability of conceiving and having a healthy baby decreases after 30 years of age in women and is more marked after 35 years of age.

Step 2: Bringing health change in your routine

You can boost your chances of conceiving and having a healthy baby, either naturally or in conjunction with fertility treatment, by making sure your body is in good health. We strongly encourage couple to adopt Ayurvedic lifestyle for a health progeny.

Step 3: Having sex in correct time-The timing and frequency of sexual intercourse is critical to conception. So it is important to know what is the best time to get pregnant.

Step 4: Consult our doctors.

Step 5: Diagnosing the imbalance – Nadi Pareekha, Pulse Examination etc.

Step 6: Panchakarma Procedures

Step 7: Original ayurvedic medicines for fertility

Step 8: The important one is – keeping your mental health level positives.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Infertility ​

Ayurvedic Treatment for Infertility

According to a recent health survey — around 46% of Indians, between the ages of 31 and 40, require medical intervention to conceive as one or both partners suffer from fertility problems. Many of our patients wants to fall pregnant naturally. There are many reasons for their choice. For some, its just matter of being natural conception, they do not want artificial way of making a baby in a machine. For others it is about less invasive, painless, harmless, affordable than IVF, with no side-effects treatments and moreover, wanting to become parents of their own child(avoid donor eggs/donor sperms). Women like not to interfere with their body. They want to treat the problems which is not letting them fall pregnant (homronal imbalance, PCOS, endometriosis etc.) rather than by passing it by doing other methods.

We have assisted more than 6000 couples with considering with our exceptional Ayurvedic Panchakarma, Vajikarana and Rasayana treatment modalities which are individualizes as indicated by the patients’ concern. Our PCPs are exceptionally prepared and experienced in managing male and female barrenness issues with old style Ayurveda approach and medications. We trust in giving clinical outcomes and the majority of our fulfilled patients are presently glad guardians of their own kids. We urge couple not to deferred the plans of having a child and begin taking Ayurveda care soon for a solid descendants. In the event that you have any richness concerns (male or female barrenness) and might want to make a stride right on time than later, kindly reach us. We are here to help and give you the best original Ayurveda medicines .

Male Infertility

In roughly 41% of barren couples, the male accomplice is the sole reason and in 21% a contributing reason, of fruitlessness. Different issues going from hormonal unsettling influences to actual issues, to mental issues can cause male barrenness. Albeit numerous treatment choices are presently accessible, as a rule treatment won’t work.

Female Infertility

Female barrenness is a contributing element for close to half of all fruitlessness cases. Makes might shift from Ovulation problems
Obstructed/Damaged Fallopian tubes, Uterine problems, Age contributes essentially to fruitlessness on the grounds that as a lady ages, her fruitfulness normally will in general diminish.