
Male Infertility

Ayurvedic approach to male related problems and other fertility issues such as low sperm count, low motility, no sperms, motility problems, sperm defects, unable to conceive,  infertility and other hormonal or reproductive problems are well managed by self-prepared Ayurvedic medicines and dispensed at our clinic by our trained Ayurvedic doctors. We at SumanVeda, have been working in male infertility. Started by Dr. Pinki Chaudhary, the knowledge is being passed to the new generation of the family doctors and new treatment modalities have been successfully added to our previous treatment approach for better and quick results.

At SumanVeda, we understand that you are in search for treatment plan which increases your chances to have a child. Dr. Pinki Chaudhary is one of the New Delhi best male infertility Ayurvedic doctors and world’s leading Ayurvedic expert in diagnosing and treating male infertility and sexual health problems. More than 15 years now,is working in the same field alongside with him and have discovered and contributed lot of new and effective male infertility treatment plans.

Our capacity in male fruitlessness has never been more grounded. It is completely perhaps that, presently we can increment sperm count and quality by utilizing original Ayurvedic medications to treat an egg ordinarily. As a matter of fact, our larger part of the patients comprise the individuals who have gone to the cutting edge fruitlessness facility gone through andrologist treatment and exposed to IVF , ecsi and tracer treatment. Regardless of going through such convoluted intrusive treatment when they didn’t come by their ideal outcome subsequent to moving toward us by going through Ayurveda detoxification treatment and taking the uncommonly figured out and arranged meds, they have imagined normally and their spouses have conveyed solid kids. The means in such a cycle are extremely complicated and not comprehended as of now. When the cycle is dominated, in any case, in not so distant future male barrenness will turn into a relic of times gone by.

We have been regarding male fruitlessness as our central specialty from over 40 years. During this period, we can help in excess of 6000 barrenness patients to effectively further develop their sperm quality and amount and consequently becoming guardians of their own hereditary youngsters with practically no counterfeit procedure of fruitlessness medicines .

With the presence of such countless high level clinical frameworks, tragically, many couples yet loath the being a parent. In India, because of the shame appended to the richness issues , male variable many now and again goes ignored. We see part of ladies going through various kinds of medicines however seldom you see a male taking a treatment to assist them with falling pregnant. Nonetheless, things are changing thus do the mentalities of guys in our Indian culture. Ladies’ spouses are currently approaching to look assuming there is any issue with them and are open for treatment. Be that as it may, there isn’t a lot of help accessible from the ongoing clinical framework. What’s more, they wind up taking multivitamins or enemies of oxidants tablets or even being informed that all is well with you.

Causes of Male Infertility (according to Ayurveda)

Causes of Male Infertility (according to Ayurveda)

Ativyavayat – Over extravagance in sexual movement.
Vyayamat – Over effort, it might incorporate any sort of actual effort or exhausting mental endeavors.
Avyayamat – Over unwinding, lethargy or consuming very relaxation time on earth.
Asatmyanam cha sevanat – Eating over fiery, salted, acrid, frozen food sources, food varieties with low sustenance and absence of cleanliness; additionally conduct propensities like resting extremely late around evening time, feverish way of life prompts uniqueness of Rakta and Pitta Dosha, eventually causing Shukra kshaya for example deficiency in Shukra Dhatu subjectively and quantitatively.
Akale – It implies at improper time; for example before beneficial age explicitly before age of 16 in females and 18 in that of guys, or past the age of 65-70 where the body faces summed up weakness. Another viewpoint makes sense of having sex regularly and ordinarily (5-6 times) in a day likewise prompts weakness of Shukra dhatu.
Ayonau – Indulging into sex in other than normal ways, for example Masturbation, oral or butt-centric sex and so forth.
Maithunam Na Cha Gachataha – Suppression of sexual inclination.
Narinam Arasaudnyata – Having intercourse with unwanted accomplice.

Overcoming Male infertility with Ayurveda​

Overcoming Male infertility with Ayurveda

Along with our male fruitlessness subject matter expert, we will work with each couple to distinguish their ripeness issues and afterward propose the best successful treatment plan with a potential timetable. Our only point is to tackle your concern and assist your family with developing.

We utilizes different Aphrodisiac treatments which are of 3 kinds :
1. Sperm producing or upgrading sperm count.
2. Those which helps in discharge of fundamental liquid.
3. Meds which fill both the above need.
Panchakarma treatments like Abhyanga (entire body rub), Shirodhara, Nasya supplies incredible arrangement of physical and mental unwinding.
Standard activity and yoga advances added help. One ought to rehearse pelvic floor works out, padmasan, mool bandha to fortify and advance the usefulness of the ideal organs.

Revival and Aphrodisiac treatment assumes a significant part; Rejuvenation treatment renews the body and supports it inside and remotely in this way improves body perseverance and furthermore helps with making better sperms.