We, at SumanVeda are devoted to help ladies, everything being equal, to conquer diseases and keep a sound way of life. We accept that you are one of a kind and have special wellbeing needs and in this manner, we pay attention to you and plan a customized care to give improved results. There’s really no need to focus on treating a sickness yet making a solid local area of ladies who realizes what is good for themselves as well as their family and settle on ideal decisions about it.
1. Non-steriodal , Non-hormonal and Non – Toxic in Nature.
2. It Cures Disease From the Root Without Creating Any Side Effects – Root Cause Treatment.
3. The Safest Way to Get Rid From Disease Is “Ayurveda” 100 Percent Safe Without Chemicals.
Ayurveda can provide the life cycle approach in health care for women. This approach could be seen in the reference from Ashtanga Sangraha written by Acharya Vagbhata-
Stree hi mulamapathyaanaam stree hi rakshathi rakshitha |
sarvashramanaam prathamam gruhasthatvam anindhitham|
thikshnairapi kriya yogaih striyam yathnena palayeth ||
“the woman is the root cause for progeny and it is the grihasthashrama (one’s life in a family) that takes care of the other (stages of life) too. The woman plays the key role in this ashrama. Hence the health of the woman should be protected by all means. If woman is protected in turn she will protect the whole community.”
The medical definition of female infertility is when a woman is unable to conceive a child after 12 Months of regular intercourse with her partner without the use of contraception.
This include Miscarriages and chemical pregnancies. Couples often describe their experience as the “hope and despair” when once again it does not happen, when a female gets her periods. Over the past few years, modern medical science has developed many modalities like-hormonal therapy, IUI, in-vitrofertlization (IVF) embryo transfer, gamete intra-fallopian transfer, ICSI etc, but with minimal success rates only. Moreover, these procedures are associated with advices effects and are not affordable to all. Considering these inconveniences, the population is turning towards traditional medicines like Ayurveda .
What are the essential healthy factors for baby making? Ayurveda says, preparing for conception can be easily compared to the process of forming just like the health of a crop depends on the quality of soil,seed,timing of sowing ,and amount of watering it gets, the health of a baby depends on the health of the women.
Tridoshas have an effect over all the cycle associated with ovulation and child making.
-Vata represents multiplication and division of cells (granulosa and theca cells), burst of the follicle, and so forth commencement/actuation of the interaction.
-Pitta is related with its change power, similar to transformation of androgens in Graffian follicle development of follicle by its capability of paka karma-support of the cycle.
-Kapha remains as a structure and nutritive variable. It ties every one of the cells together and gives sustenance for development and improvement of the cells – further turn of events.
Organized by Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India
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