
Gynecological Disorders

Gynecological Disorders

One among the 8 branches of Ayurveda system of science, the detailed explanation of the procedures and methods of Bala Chikitsa or Kaumara Bhritya in which Prasuti tantra and Streeroga (Obstetrics and Gynecology) are included, but today for post-graduation studies both branches are separated for detailed research. Ayurveda Obstetrics & Gynecology not only deals with all of the women problems but also explains prenatal, natural birth and post-birth care tips.
It has recommended specific diet, routine, nourishment for women before, during and after delivery. It has been very clearly mentioned that the perfect health of a mother is mandatory for a healthy upbringing of the child (Garbha Sanskar). This science of Gynaecology and Pediatrics also describes the growth and progress of foetus in minute details.

Ayurveda Gynecology Diseases:

Ayurveda Gynecology Diseases:​

Ayurveda Obstetrics Deals with:

Ayurveda Obstetrics Deals with:

Some Gynaecological issues are:

Some Gynaecological issues are:

Lack of Libido
Pregnancy Care
Post Menopause Care
Premenstrual Syndrome
Post Partum Depression