An Ayurvedic consultation will help you provide an Ayurvedic diagnosis, understand the imbalance in your body, and to plan effective Ayurvedic treatments. It is not wise to opt a treatment or take any Ayurvedic medicine without consulting a qualified Ayurvedic doctor. We encourage people to consult an Ayurvedic doctor and explain their symptoms rather asking for treatment for a disease diagnosed in other system of medicines.
We are qualified & trained in Ayurvedic diagnosis & treatment methods which are unique and hence we may not be able to give details about your health issues based on other system of medicines such as Allopathy.
Your decision to have an Ayurvedic consultation is the very first step towards the beginning of your ‘Ayurvedic Journey’. Consulting a qualified Ayurvedic Practitioner is a vital asset for this journey. Therefore, it is essential that you choose your Ayurvedic Practitioner carefully in terms of proper qualification and experience.
We follow the traditional way of ‘Roga-Rogi Pareesksha’ (Patient-Disease examination according to Ayurveda)- a detail Ayurvedic assessment, constitution analysis, state of energies in your body and mind, advice on different aspects of your life, rejuvenation, and how to bring back the healthy status or maintain current healthy status via diet, exercise, herbs, meditation, yoga etc.
At Sumanveda advanced Ayurveda, our practitioners are qualified and experienced, who belong to a family of Ayurvedic practitioners. Our Ayurvedic consultation focuses on you as an individual rather than the disease itself and covers all aspects of life . It is all about balancing your Doshas (energies) to create a desired environment of health in to your life, through Ayurveda herbs, dietary changes, healthy activities and other modalities.
Look which dosha has caused your illness?
Abhyanga is an all encompassing mending and detox rub utilizing Ayurvedic Herbal Oils
In Ayurveda knead treatment, the warm natural oils profoundly enter cells and delivery poisons at physical, mental and otherworldly levels. It detoxifies as well as gives recuperating at cell level. Abhyanga knead eliminates the pressure and advances self recuperating of cells.
Assuming you are feeling apprehensive, restless, or dormant having any lack of sleep, the warm home grown oils assist with quieting the brain and sensory system making you feeling loose, serene, engaged and alert.
Comprehensive Massage utilizing Ayurvedic Herbal Powders
Udwartana – Holistic Weight Massage treatment utilizing Ayurvedic Herbal Powders
Udwartana treatment is Ayurvedic home grown powder knead that separates fat and lessens cellulite to assist with overseeing weight.
The fact that help breakdown cellulite aggregations makes in udwartana rub, unique powders utilized. This is a decent peeling treatment which will separate the greasy stores and further develops blood course.
Powder rub is trailed by steam treatment. Best outcomes are accomplished when this treatment is performed for 7-14 days.
Potli/kizhi is a remedial use of warm natural pockets made of different spices cooked in rice and warmed in home grown oils. It utilized as a nearby or full body application. It further develops blood course, animates lymphatic waste, assuages body (muscle) torment, expanding, water maintenance, and deliveries collected poisons from tissue and joints
Outer muscle problems are predominantly due to disturbed vata dosha which can make dryness, solidness, agony and snugness in the impacted regions. Furthermore, disturbance of pitta dosha may cause irritation in the space which prompts more torment
Organized by Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India
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