Yoga means control over modifications of mind.
This control is achieved with the help of 8 limbs (Ashtangas) of Yoga namely Yama (Social discipline), Niyama (Personal discipline),Asana(steady physical posture),Pranayama(Breath regulations), Prathyahara(withdrawal of senses from their objects), Dharana( effortful focusing on one thought) ,Dhyana(effortless focusing) and Samadhi(superconscious state).
Yoga is not only a Science of Spirituality, but also provides positive health through these 8 limbs (Ashtangas).
Asanas are preferred over mere exercise, as they produce stimulation and relaxation in internal organs which results in healing of the disease.
Pranayama corrects all the physiological functions by controlling our breath. Breath is the bridge between our body and mind. Hence Pranayama helps in calming down the mind as well.
Dhyana helps to improve memory, concentration, logical thinking and helps to control the mind through emotional balance. Thus improves the efficacy of work and quality of life.
Stress is the main culprit behind all the lifestyle disorders like Diabetes, Obesity, Hypertension etc. Stress originates in mental level, then disturbs the physiological functions and finally results in manifestation of diseases in the body
Yoga helps in stress management by controlling this body-mind complex.
At SumanVeda Advance Ayurveda Clinic, proper guidance is provided to reap the benefits of Yoga according to each individual’s health status.
SumanVeda Advanced Ayurveda Clinic was established to serve the needy people with the following objectives:
Sama dosha samaagnischa sama dhatu mala kriyaaha | Prasann aatma indriya manaha swasthaitiabhidheeyate || (Sushruta Samhita)
One is in perfect health when the three doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) digestive fire (digestion, assimilation and metabolism) all the body tissues & components (dhatus) (the entire physical body) all the excretory functions (the physiological functions of urination and defecation) are in perfect order with a pleasantly disposed and contented mind, senses and spirit.
The food that a person consumes is called diet. The activities one does in a day is called regimen. As per Ayurveda, proper Diet and Regimen are very important to maintain good health.
Daily Diet (Nitya-Sevaneeyadravyas) :
According to Ayurvedic texts, the food which should be taken daily are:
If we analyze this with the present knowledge, it is nothing but the right combination of all the nutrients
– Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fat, Vitamins, Minerals and water. The recently discovered modern science calls it a – & balanced diet.
Ayurveda has explained about daily routine (दिनचर्य) to be followed to live a healthier, happier, and longer life and it is in accordance with our biological clock. It includes instructions for waking up in Brahmi mahurtha, defecation on getting the urge, washing face, brushing the teeth, scraping the tongue, application of nasal drop, rinsing the mouth with medicated oil/decoction, oil massage, powder massage and bathing. They are explained in brief as follows.
This expels impurities derived from कफ. This makes the eyes clear and bright and improves eyesight.
Due to daily practice of Nasya, the face becomes brighter and more expressive voice becomes soft and pleasant.
When the same is done without moving it inside the mouth, it is called Kavalagraha.
These practices strengthen the mouth, jaws, chin, and teeth.
It is good to prevent cracked lips, thirst, dental caries and sensitivity of teeth.
As our body undergoes changes according to the seasons, Ayurveda emphasizes on change in our diet and regimen accordingly.
At SumanVeda Advanced Ayurveda Clinic, one can avail the doctor’s personalized advice on diet and regimen to be followed individually.
Organized by Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India
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