Ayurveda is made of two words ‘Ayu’ and ’Veda’ .’Ayu’ means life and ’Veda’ means knowledge or science thus Ayurveda defined as knowledge of life or science of life. According to the ancient sage charka ‘Ayu’ comprises the mind, Body, Sense and soul. Our Acharyas like Charak, Sushrut, Vagbhatt, Agnivesh, Kashyap, Sharangdhar, Madhav defined Ayurveda as:
Ayurveda is the traditional medicine of ancient india and one of the oldest medical sciences close to 5000 years old. Ayurveda is considered as a corollary of Atharva Veda.
A system that can be used for both preventative and curative medicine. It has shown pathway to healthy lifestyle through its principles and practices.
Based on ones constitution (prakriti), dosha season (Ritu), time (kala), place (desha) and other means, ayurveda explains healthy food habits & lifestyle to individuals. Ayurveda is a complete knowledge about life which deals with all the health concerns of the people and also helps in maintaining the wellbeing by holistic approach.
स्वस्थस्य स्वास्थ्य रक्षणम् आतुरस्य विकार प्रशमनं च।।
As Ayurveda is a superior science of the world with holistic approach, the first and chief objective of Ayurveda is to prevent illness and protect health of a healthy person for prolong life. The other objective of Ayurveda is to cure and eliminate disease and dysfunction of the body.सम दोष समाग्निश्च सम धातु मल क्रियाः |
प्रसन्न आत्मेन्द्रिय मन स्वस्थ इत्यभिधीयते||
“Sama Dosha Sama Agnis Cha Sama Dhatu Malakriya
Prasnna Atma Indiriya Manaha Swastha Iti Abhidheeyate”
One Is In Perfect Health When These Three Doshas ( Vata, Pitta And Kapha), Digestive Fire, All The Body
Tissues And Componenets Are In Perfect Order With A Pleasantly Disposed, Contented Mind, Senses And
Dosha:- Dosha is called as physiology in term of three forces. Vata, Pitta, Kapha are three doshas.
Vata:- controls the physiology of motion in the body.
Pitta:- controls the physiology of metabolism of the body.
Kapha:- controls the physiology of structure of the body. Every person have all three of these doshas within them.
Vata:- pertains to vaayu and akash elements. This energy is genrally seen as the force which directs nerve implulses ,circulation, respiration and elimination.
Your health can be simplified to three fundamental principles of nature called Vata, Pitta, and Kapha [these three are called Dosha]. These three factors govern all the activities of your mind and body. When they are in balance , health is optimal. The main purpose of all Ayurvedic treatments is to establish balance in these three fundamental principles.
Ayurveda Has Eight Specialized Branches as Follows:
Ayurveda includes the Astronomical science, Astrology including Indian philosophy. Health is the supreme foundation of Virtue, Wealth, Kamma and diseases are the destroyers of Life. According to Hinduism after eighty four lacs of births, a human being is evolved; hence human form is the only stage when man can liberate himself from this cycle of births and deaths. Thus, man’s life is the most significant and precious in which he has to strive hard for Liberation-Nirvana.
With this view in mind Ayurveda denotes that this body, the media to Nirvana is to be cared for, just as a Mayor takes care of the city and charioteer daily oils his axle and keeps clean, similarly one has to take care of his body. Ayurveda prescribes & do’s and don’t for the preservation as well as promotion of positive health and prevention as well as cure of diseases.
Organized by Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India
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